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McCarthy Tétrault Named One of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers for 8th Consecutive Year

Committed to concrete action in advancing diversity and inclusion, McCarthy Tétrault has been named one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers for 2020 by Mediacorp Canada. The Firm has been included in this list every year since 2012.

“At McCarthy Tétrault, we value our people and their many contributions to the Firm and to our clients. The goal of our Inclusion Now program is to provide a deeply inclusive environment where everyone can bring their authentic selves to the workplace,” said Barbara Boake, National People and Practice Leader.

“Although we are proud of the progress we have made, we recognize there is more work to be done. Moving the dial on our diversity and inclusion takes years of hard work and requires support from the very highest levels of the organization. I’m proud that our leadership is willing to do what it takes to recruit and retain top diverse talent,” said Nikki Gershbain, Chief Inclusion Officer. 

McCarthy Tétrault’s recent diversity initiatives and achievements include:

Creating an “Inclusion Now” Office: McCarthy Tétrault is the first Canadian law firm to have built a stand-alone Inclusion Office dedicated to diversity, inclusion and corporate social responsibility, and to have appointed a full-time Chief Inclusion Officer with a firm-wide mandate. This office has been operating for one full year and now has three dedicated, full-time staff and other part-time employees. McCarthy Tétrault is the only law firm in Canada making this level of investment into diversity and inclusion. To learn more about Inclusion Now, click here.

Launching our Inclusion Now “Action Groups”: The Firm has established four working committees on Race, Pride, Gender Equality and Abilities, all led by senior partners with volunteers from across the organization. These groups will develop new policies, roll out mandatory unconscious bias training, hold cultural competency training programs, and plan events that celebrate and amplify the voices of our diverse community. Learn more.

Deepening our Inclusive Culture: Read a first-hand account from Mona Tomlinson, a records coordinator, who joined McCarthy Tétrault in 1998, and has been out as a lesbian since she started her career at the Firm.

Our $5 million commitment to United Way Centraide. In 2018, the Firm pledged $5 million over five years for agencies that support five equality-seeking groups: women, Indigenous people, newcomers, members of the LGBTQ2S community, and people with disabilities. Learn about the first-year impact of the gift.

About Canada’s Best Diversity Employers

Canada’s Best Diversity Employers recognizes Canadian employers that implement exceptional workplace diversity and inclusiveness programs. To determine this year's winners of the Canada's Best Diversity Employers competition, Mediacorp editors reviewed diversity and inclusiveness initiatives at employers that applied for the Canada's Top 100 Employers project. From this applicant pool, a smaller short-list of employers with noteworthy and unique diversity initiatives was developed. The short-listed candidates' programs were compared to those of other employers in the same field. The finalists chosen represent the diversity leaders in their industry and region of Canada.

About McCarthy Tétrault

McCarthy Tétrault LLP provides a broad range of legal services, advising on large and complex assignments for Canadian and international interests. The firm has substantial presence in Canada’s major commercial centres as well as in New York City and London.

Built on an integrated approach to the practice of law and delivery of innovative client services, the firm brings its legal talent, industry insight and practice experience to help clients achieve the results that are important to them.

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