
Currency Considerations

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Historically, most Canadian securitization transactions have involved Canadian dollar assets and Canadian dollar liabilities. With the increase in the frequency of cross-border securitization transactions, however, market participants now regularly fund Canadian dollar assets with U.S. dollar liabilities, and vice versa. This fact pattern introduces currency risk into a securitization transaction, because if the currency of an Special Purpose Vehicle’s (SVP) assets does not match the currency of its liabilities, then adverse movements in the currency exchange rate may result in the SPV not having sufficient assets to secure or repay its liabilities.

There are several ways to address this type of currency risk in a securitization transaction, including through the introduction of a currency hedge at the SPV level (i.e., the SPV swaps the cashflows on its assets into the currency of its liabilities, thus ensuring it has enough money to satisfy these liabilities), or currency reserves (i.e., the SPV sets aside cashflows in a reserve in order to protect the financing party from currency exchange losses).

Another currency-related consideration is that Canadian courts can also only issue judgements in Canadian dollars. Accordingly, if a Chinese party seeks a judgement in a Canadian court, it may be exposed to currency risk associated with the judgement being denominated in Canadian dollars. For this reason, Canadian securitization transaction agreements will often include a currency indemnity provision, where the Canadian originator covenants to indemnify the Chinese financing party for any currency losses sustained in connection with judgement being denominated in Canadian dollars.









