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Ceci est une photo de Diana Wang




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t. 604-643-7980


Faculté de droit

Peter A. Allard School of Law

Disponible en Anglais seulement

Diana grew up in Richmond and completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree at UBC, with a minor in English language. She obtained her Juris Doctor degree at the UBC Peter A. Allard School of Law.

Throughout her studies, Diana volunteered for the Law Students’ Legal Advice Program, Pro Bono Students Canada, Atira Women’s Resource Society, and West Coast LEAF in research and client-facing roles. She worked for law and business professors – conducting trusts and labour law research and assessing commercial law assignments – and Legal Aid BC – conducting research for criminal appeal files. She also participated in the Peter Burns Moot, served on the board of the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers BC, and ran her own music studio. She helped implement a mentorship program as the co-president of the Asia Pacific Law Club and met many mentees of her own. Diana was a privileged recipient of the Allard Scholar Renewable Entrance Scholarship for exceptional aptitude and academic excellence, and a privileged participant of the Indigenous Cultural Competency Certificate.

In her spare time, Diana enjoys dancing, scheming, painting dogs, and watching Nordic noirs. As a summer student, she played one game on McCarthy Tétrault’s softball team and contributed to their loss.