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Ceci est une photo de Vaibhav Aggarwal


à l'université


Contacter par courriel à [email protected]


Faculté de droit

Peter A. Allard School of Law

Disponible en anglais seulement.

Vaibhav is a JD student at the University of British Columbia Allard School of Law. Before transitioning to a career in law, Vaibhav received his Bachelor of Commerce from the UBC Sauder School of Business, with a major in accounting. During his time at Sauder, Vaibhav was an active member of the school community and a mentor to younger students, having been a member of various clubs culminating in his role as President of the UBC Accounting Club. During his undergraduate degree, Vaibhav also worked as a Tax Intern with Pricewaterhouse Coopers where he continued developing his technical, financial, and accounting knowledge.

While in his first year at law school, Vaibhav took a quick interest in student government, serving on the Law Student’s Society’s Academic Council. This role enabled him to advocate for student interests on important topics such as mental health. Vaibhav has also worked as a Law Tutor for the Sauder Real Estate Division, granting him exposure to a legal environment as well as the fundamentals of real estate law. In his second year, he was also a member of the Allard Business Law Clinic, providing legal advice to a variety of low-income start-ups in British Columbia. Vaibhav hopes to continue exploring his interests in tax, real estate, and corporate law throughout his educational and professional career.

Vaibhav enjoys spending his free time playing volleyball and badminton and watching soccer. He is also an avid moviegoer and sitcom enthusiast.