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Ceci est une photo de Sir Edwin Eidvirgn Lasiste

Sir Edwin Eidvirgn



Contacter par courriel à [email protected]

t. 416-601-8253


Faculté de droit

Université de Western Ontario

Disponible en anglais seulement.

Red is entering the final year of his JD program at Western Law. Before law school, he obtained his Bachelor of Business Administration (with Distinction) from Simon Fraser University (SFU) and received his Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation with CPABC.

While at SFU, Red co-founded two small businesses, and he helped oversee their financial and strategic development. After graduating in 2019, he worked as a financial accountant at a Big Four accounting firm.

At law school, Red continues to hold the position of board treasurer for the two small businesses that he co-developed. During the summer after his first year, he worked as a research assistant for Professor Alan Miller and assisted in the areas of securities regulation, ESG disclosures, and corporate political speech.

Red also had the opportunity to represent Western Law in the Canadian National Negotiations Competition. He achieved this after winning second place in the Torys LLP Negotiations Competition, which was conducted within Western Law. He received an honourable mention in the BLG Client Acquisition Competition as well.

Outside of class, Red is a Case Manager for the Western Business Law Clinic, held the office of VP Finance in the Western Law Student Legal Society, and is the co-founder of the Western Law Golf Club.

In his leisure time, he relishes golfing, trading forex, exploring new places, and spending time with his two adorable cats, Audrey and Kaiser.