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Ceci est une photo de Rosemary L. Gasparro

Rosemary L.

Étudiant d'été | À l'université



Faculté de droit

Université Queen's

Disponible en anglais seulement.

Rosemary has recently completed her second year at Queen’s University Faculty of Law.  Prior to law school, she attended the University of Toronto for her undergraduate degree, where she obtained a double major in Criminology, Law and Society and French Studies and graduated with High Distinction.  

Rosemary is very passionate about access to justice and has been highly involved in her local community during her time at Queen’s Law. This year she served as a student caseworker at the Queen’s Family Law Clinic, assisting low-income individuals with their family law matters. Last year she volunteered as the Project Lead for Pro Bono Students Canada’s project, “Applying for Native Status”, where her group created a user-friendly pamphlet to inform Indigenous youth at the Kingston Youth Shelter how to go about applying for status. This year she was also the Vice President Internal on the committee for the Queen’s Conference on Indigenous Reconciliation, a student-led conference aimed at promoting sustainable pathways for Indigenous reconciliation. 

She hopes to carry out her passion for advocacy with a career in litigation and give back to the community through further pro bono opportunities. She is proud to be Métis. 

Outside of work, Rosemary likes to stay active with yoga and pilates. She also loves to bake and cook for her loved ones.