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Ceci est une photo de Pedram Gholipour


à l'université


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Faculté de droit

Peter A. Allard School of Law

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Pedram is a law student at the Peter A. Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia.  Prior to attending law school, Pedram graduated from the University of Toronto where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree with High Distinction. During his undergraduate studies, Pedram also completed an internship at the Consulate General of Canada in Miami. 

At law school, Pedram worked as a research assistant to a law professor focusing on municipal, property, and administrative law. This experience inspired Pedram to write an article on urban reserves in Canada, which was published in a peer reviewed journal in 2023. He also had a chance to work on the other end of the publication process as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the UBC Law Review.

In addition to his involvements with legal scholarship, Pedram also worked as a Law Intern at the British Columbia Securities Commission and served as a Peer Tutor during his 2L year. 

In his spare time, Pedram enjoys playing and watching soccer, traveling to obscure places, and going on motorcycle tours.