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Ceci est une photo de photo headshot of Patricia Doiron




Contacter par courriel à [email protected]

t. 403-260-3695


Faculté de droit

Université Dalhousie

Disponible en anglais seulement.

Patricia has completed her second year of law school at the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University. During her first and second years, Patricia volunteered with Pro-Bono Dalhousie. She currently sits on Dalhousie University’s Senate Disciplinary Committee and has been an active volunteer with the Calgary Youth Justice Committee.

Prior to law school, Patricia earned a Bachelor of Communication degree from MacEwan University and a Bachelor of Arts (hons.) degree from the University of Calgary.

Patricia enjoys spending her time in the mountains hiking, biking, rock climbing and skiing. She has completed an Avalanche Skills Training Level One and is a certified yoga teacher.