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Faculté de droit

Université du New Brunswick

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Mitch is currently completing a Juris Doctor at the University of New Brunswick (UNB). He is a Volunteer Editor for the UNB Law Journal Volume 74. He has received numerous academic awards, such as the A. Frederick Richard Scholarship and Dawn Muzzerall Prize in Contracts, and was a U Sports Academic All-Canadian on the UNB Track and Field team in his first year of law school.

Before law school, Mitch completed a Bachelor of Business Administration with First Class Honours (Finance) at UNB. With a passion for finance and economics, he won the Canada-wide 16th Edition TMX Options Trading Simulation and was a Student Ambassador for TMX Group during his last year of undergraduate studies. Mitch also has experience in the public sector, working at New Brunswick’s Office of the Comptroller for two summers.