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Ceci est une photo de Kyra McGovern


à l'université


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Faculté de droit

Université de Victoria

Disponible en anglais seulement.

Kyra recently completed her second year at the University of Victoria Faculty of Law. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Queen’s University. During her undergraduate degree, Kyra spent a great deal of her time volunteering with incarcerated individuals. She facilitated various programming opportunities, including career development workshops, art classes, and peer support sessions. This led her to work with Prisoners’ Legal Services during her 1L summer where she had the opportunity to represent clients in disciplinary hearings and conduct research on human rights issues relating to trans rights, access to healthcare, and privacy issues. 

She quickly realized that she had a keen interest in privacy law, and in working to expand her knowledge of the area, she discovered the fascinating areas of cyber-security, data governance, and artificial intelligence. 

At the University of Victoria, she is the Vice President of the Intellectual Property and Information Technology Club, the Founder and President of the Prison Law Club, and volunteers with Pro Bono Students Canada on their Intellectual Property and Emerging Artists Project. She is also working to develop a peer mentorship program for incoming transfer students at UVic. 

In her spare time, Kyra enjoys watching sci-fi movies, creating art reproductions, and playing hockey.