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Ceci est une photo de Juliet Watts




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t. 604-643-7100


Faculté de droit

Université Dalhousie

Disponible en anglais seulement.

Juliet is a student at the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. Prior to law school, she completed her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Public Administration at the University of Victoria. During her time at UVic, Juliet was involved in university governance as an Undergraduate Member of UVic’s Board of Governors and Senate, and as a Director of the UVic Students’ Society.

At Dalhousie, Juliet is President of the Law Students’ Society and works part-time as a Co-Coordinator of the Pro Bono Program. She is interested in privacy, business, and technology law and is pursuing a Specialization in Law and Technology alongside her J.D.

Outside of the classroom and office, Juliet enjoys outdoor adventures on both Canadian coasts, playing intramural sports, and skiing in the Okanagan.