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Team Value and Skills

Julie Tyndorf is a registered professional planner in our Real Property and Planning Group in Toronto. Her key area of focus is on the interrelationship of heritage and land-use planning policies in the context of municipal development applications. Julie specializes in the interpretation and preparation of complex policy and assessment documents, and works with clients to create and successfully implement bespoke strategies that draw upon her project management experience, professional relationships, and diverse skill-set.


Julie has over 13 years of experience in land use and heritage planning. Prior to joining McCarthy Tetrault, Julie was the planning lead at a Toronto-based heritage consulting firm, and brings with her extensive experience in project management and a broad range of land-use and heritage planning matters. She has significant experience in preparing materials for Tribunal hearings, completing peer reviews on behalf of public-sector clients, and researching and producing reports on behalf of private clients. Julie has also represented clients before municipal council and committees, and has provided expert testimony at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. In addition to her professional responsibilities, Julie has taught undergraduate courses as a sessional lecturer at Ryerson University’s School of Urban and Regional Planning, and is the past Chair of the Ryerson Planning Alumni Association. Her experience, research and writing skills, technical knowledge of both heritage and land-use planning control documents, and familiarity with the development approvals process are an asset to client teams and the Real Property & Planning Group.

Certifications and Education

  • Registered Professional Planner (RPP)
  • Full Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) and the Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI)
  • Professional Member, Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (CAHP)