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Ceci est une photo de photo headshot of Jennifer Cordeiro




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t. 403-260-3648


Faculté de droit

Thompson Rivers University

Disponible en anglais seulement.

Jennifer recently completed her first year of law school at Thompson Rivers University. During her first year, Jennifer worked on a scams alert project for Pro Bono Students Canada and served as an executive member in the Sports & Entertainment Law Club. 

Prior to entering law school, Jennifer obtained her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Criminology and Law from Wilfrid Laurier University. Throughout university, Jennifer worked as a student legal assistant at a boutique corporate and real estate law firm. After completing her degree, Jennifer worked part-time at an NHL team in the fan services department and full-time at a large real estate development company as a legal assistant.

In her spare time, Jennifer volunteers with the SPCA as a foster volunteer for senior cats and cats with behaviour concerns. Jennifer also enjoys travelling, hiking in the mountains, reading, and watching hockey and Formula 1.