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Giorgina T.

Stagiaire en droit


Contacter par courriel à [email protected]

t. 416-601-7882


Faculté de droit

Université Queen's

Disponible en anglais seulement

Giorgina obtained her Juris Doctor at Queen’s University, Faculty of Law. Prior to law school, Giorgina held various positions at the Ministry of the Attorney General including the Crown Law Office (Civil), the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, and the Ontario Court of Justice.

This past year, Giorgina co-authored two articles, respectively published in the Municipal and Planning Law Reports and the Federated Press – Sales Tax, Customs and Trade. During her time at Queen’s, Giorgina was a caseworker at the Queen’s Business Law Clinic, an associate editor of the Queen’s Law Journal, and an oralist for the Bowman Tax Moot in 2022 where her team won the Best Factum Award for Respondents. 

In her spare time, Giorgina enjoys going to the gym, supporting local coffee shops, and attending Toronto Symphony Orchestra concerts.