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Ceci est une photo de Dorian Morrison




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Dorian Morrison is an associate in the Business Law Group in Vancouver focusing on technology matters.

Dorian’s practice includes drafting, negotiating and advising on a range of IT, outsourcing and general commercial agreements across a variety of sectors, including telecoms, healthcare, retail and technology. Dorian has been seconded to two different national organizations in the United Kingdom allowing her to work alongside the in-house legal, procurement and sales teams.

Dorian obtained her Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Calgary in 2011 and her Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Leicester in 2014. Dorian completed her legal training in the United Kingdom and became a member of the Law Society of England and Wales in 2017. Prior to joining McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Dorian worked at an international law firm in London, UK where she practiced in the commercial and IT group.

Dorian was called to the bar in British Columbia and the bar in Ontario in 2021.