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The Lion Electric Company establishes cross-border US$125M at-the-market equity program

Date Closed

June 17, 2022

Lead Office



125.00 Million USD

On June 17, 2022, The Lion Electric Company ("Lion Electric") established a cross-border US$125 million at-the-market equity program that allows them to issue and sell newly issued common shares of their company. In connection with the establishment of the program, Lion Electric entered into an Equity Distribution Agreement with a syndicate of agents, including Barclays Capital Inc. and National Bank Financial Inc., Lion Electric intends on using the net proceeds from the sales of Common Shares to strengthen its financial situation, as well as expand its growth strategy through projects located in Illinois and Québec.

McCarthy Tétrault advised the syndicate of agents led by Barclays Capital Inc. and National Bank Financial Inc. with a team led by Hadrien Montagne that included Vincent Laurin and Valérie Trudeau (Business).
