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Kruger Inc. acquires the Maison des Futailles LP

Date Closed

September 1, 2006

Lead Office



68.80 Million CAD

On September 1, 2006, Kruger Inc., through an indirect subsidiary, completed the acquisition of all the units of the Maison des Futailles, L.P. held by Société des alcools du Québec and Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.) and all the shares held by SAQ and FSTQ in MDF’s general partner, for an amount of approximately $68.8 million. Following the acquisition by Kruger, FSTQ retains a 25% interest in MDF.  The acquisition price was financed through equity contributions by Kruger and FSTQ and subordinated debt financing by FSTQ, and through a bank syndicate comprised of National Bank of Canada, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec and Bank of Nova Scotia that provided senior secured credit facilities to the purchaser.

McCarthy Tétrault advised Kruger with a team that was led by Mireille Fontaine.
