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This is a photo of Sandra Lemieux




Contact by email at [email protected]

t. +1 514-875-4081


Team Value and Skills

Sandra Lemieux has been a litigation paraprofessional since 2001. She is involved in all aspects of litigation, from the beginning to the appeal process; this includes drafting of legal proceedings, preparing witnesses for cross-examination and testimony at trial, organizing evidence, performing legal research, managing and responding to commitments, and assisting and supporting lawyers during trials. She provides technological support to litigation lawyers for the processing, research and management of electronic documents in litigation files with a large body of documents, while ensuring that all team members have access to evidence for the full duration of the litigation and the trial.


In her role, Sandra has participated in a number of lengthy trials. She has extensive experience in litigation software support, which focuses on maximizing the efficiency of specialized technology tools to deliver the best value possible to the Firm’s clientele. Prior to joining McCarthy Tétrault, Sandra worked as a paralegal for Justice Canada and the City of Montreal. Since 2001, she has been a member of the Canadian Association of Paralegals.

Certifications and Education

  • College degree in paralegal technology
  • College degree in human sciences