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This is a photo of Anne Lin Arghirescu

Lin Arghirescu

Summer Student


Contact by email at [email protected]

t. 514-875-1791


Law School

McGill University

Anne is currently pursuing a B.C.L./J.D. at McGill University’s Faculty of Law with a minor in economics. She figures on the Dean’s Honour List and is a recipient of the McGill J.W. McConnell Scholarship. Prior to law school, she graduated with a DEC in Honours Social Science with Math from Marianopolis College.

During her studies, Anne has served as a research assistant to Professor Omar Farahat, who specializes in Islamic law, and Professor Peer Zumabnsen, an expert in transnational law. She has also contributed as an editor to the McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution and interned at a Montreal start-up and mortgage lender.

Anne lives with a deep sense of social responsibility, and seeks involvement in community projects that rally in joy. For many years, she has served as a swimming and lifesaving instructor at her local YMCA. She was also a member of the Conseil interculturel de Montréal where she influenced municipal policy positively regarding intercultural matters. She currently works as a caseworker at the McGill Legal Information Clinic.

Anne is passionate about her city’s art scene, staying abreast of the latest exhibitions, theatre performances, and film festivals. In her free time, she enjoys painting portraits.