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Bystander Intervention: An Imperative to Building an Inclusive Community




October 11, 2018

Time of event


What is bystander intervention? ‘Bystander’ is a term used to describe a person who, although present at some event, does not take part in it. The bystander effect is a social psychological phenomenon in which individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when other people are present. The greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any one of them will help. An Active Bystander is someone who not only witnesses an event or incident, but takes steps to speak up or intervene in a problematic situation. It requires intentionality to overcome the bystander effect and to offer mental, emotional and physical help and support to those who may need it.

In this session, Diversity & Inclusion expert Laraine Kaminsky of Global LK will build your awareness of this effect and explain it in the context of promoting inclusion, creating a respectful workplace and dealing with bullying.

Using the Active Bystander Framework, she will provide practical strategies and approaches for:

  • Recognizing and identifying the situation to intervene;
  • Assessing the situation;
  • Taking responsibility for intervening and responding;
  • Deciding how to help and intervene;
  • Taking action


Also available as webinar. Please contact [email protected] for more information.