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John Boscariol Speaks at I.E. Canada’s New Webinar Series

McCarthy Tétrault is partnering with The Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters to present their Export Compliance Webinar Series.

John Boscariol, Leader of our International Trade and Investment Law Group and Co-Chair of I.E. Canada’s Export Committee, will be leading the following upcoming webinars:

1) Economic Sanctions for Exporters: Mitigating Your Legal & Reputational Risk

Heightened international tensions, new and expanding trade embargo programs, and increased enforcement has made compliance with economic sanctions a critical issue for Canadian companies doing business abroad. This program will provide a very practical focus on key areas of high risk for Canadian exporters and the steps you can take to mitigate your exposure to sanctions enforcement action

October 11, 2012
1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. EDT

2) CGP/ITAR And What It Means To Canadian Companies

In the past, Canadian defence and aerospace companies struggled with requirements under the US International Traffic in Arms Regulations that prohibited employees of certain nationalities or born in certain proscribed countries from accessing US-controlled defence services and technology in Canada. Recent changes in both Canadian and US defence trade controls have sought to address potential conflicts with Canadian human rights and employment laws. This program will review these new security and control regimes and consider ongoing challenges for Canadian companies.

November 1, 2012
1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. EDT

For more information on these webinars, or to register, please visit the I.E. Canada website by clicking here.