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Canadian Anti-Corruption Enforcement in the Resources Sector — A Discussion with the RCMP and the Crown

Presented by the McCarthy Tétrault Advance™ program, this training session was held on Thursday January 17, 2013 in Vancouver.

Over the last year or so, new and vigorous enforcement of the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Crown prosecutors has garnered the attention of executives and directors across the country. The widely publicized guilty plea of Niko Resources Ltd. in June of 2011 and ongoing RCMP investigations into the activities of a number of other Canadian companies serve as stark warnings of the costs of non-compliance. With an additional 35 or so RCMP investigations underway, Canadian companies are moving quickly to implement anti-corruption policies and procedures and mitigate the significant risk exposure in this area. These risks are especially challenging for companies active in the natural resources sectors, including mining and oil & gas.

An interactive and frank discussion of the Canadian enforcement environment and the leading issues of concern for Canadian resource companies with representatives from the RCMP and the Crown. Moderated by John Boscariol, Chair of McCarthy Tetrault's International Trade & Investment Law Group, the session featured Corporal Lloyd Schoepp, Senior Investigator in the RCMP's International Anti-Corruption Unit, and John Cliffe, Q.C., General Counsel with the British Columbia Regional Office of the Public Prosecution Service of Canada.

Presentation Material (PDF)
