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Canada's Encryption Controls – Where Are We Now?

I.E. Canada’s Export Compliance Webinar

The rules governing the transfer or export of encryption goods, software and technology have undergone significant changes over the past two years. New exemptions, de-controls, General Export Permits, and Multi-Destination Permits, although intended to liberalize the control regime, have created a complex web of requirements for Canadian companies. Failure to comply can result in significant penalties, detentions and seizures, delayed shipments, broken contracts and lost sales.

To help make sense of it all, this session will provide an overview of the export and technology transfer control regime for crypto goods and technology as well as current challenges and potential solutions for companies seeking to achieve full compliance and avoid harmful enforcement action. Sam Ruales, Executive Program Manager in IBM Canada’s Export Compliance Office, and John Boscariol, Leader of McCarthy Tétrault’s International Trade & Investment Law Group, will provide both industry and legal perspectives on addressing these challenges.

The program is being offered on November 22, 2012 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EST in Toronto.

For a detailed description of the presenters and a program outline, and for registration details, click here.