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The Broadcasting Act, incorporating the Online Streaming Act: Text and Commentary 2023

In the first major reform to the Broadcasting Act since 1991, the Online Streaming Act received Royal Assent on April 27, 2023, providing a new framework that will lead to a modernization of the Broadcasting Act. Under this refresh, among other matters, the legislation works to update the Act’s oversight and enforcement provisions, to clarify its scope in relation to online streaming services, and to amend the broadcasting policy to better reflect Canada’s diversity.

To help you navigate the amended legislation, McCarthy Tétrault counsel Grant Buchanan and Peter S. Grant, long-time partner at McCarthy Tétrault and founder of its Communications Law Group (now retired), published The Broadcasting Act, incorporating the Online Streaming Act: Text and Commentary 2023. This helpful resource provides both the text and extended commentary on the consolidated Broadcasting Act, including the following:

  • commentary on the enactment of the Online Streaming Act and the previous version of the Broadcasting Act
  • the text of the Broadcasting Act, with annotations, highlights of principal changes from the previous Broadcasting Act, and discussions of relevant parts of the Final Report of the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review Panel and other government documents that may explain provisions
  • the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Act
  • the mandate letter to the CRTC Chair
  • index by subject matter
The Broadcasting Act, incorporating the Online Streaming Act: Text and Commentary 2023

The Broadcasting Act, incorporating the Online Streaming Act: Text and Commentary 2023

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