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"Legal Challenges Facing the Mining Industry Today" at PDAC

From March 3 to March 6, 2019, the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada hosted one of the largest annual mining conventions in the world. The McCarthy Tétrault LLP Global Metals & Mining team hosted seven very successful events. The firm’s biggest presentation, “Legal Challenges facing the Mining Industry Today” took place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on March 5, 2019.

Legal Challenges Facing the Mining Industry Today

This presentation broke down new legal trends and developments in the mining industry. It was divided into three parts, with “New Trends in Mine Finance: Strategic Investments and Joint Ventures” leading off. Eva Bellissimo, Co-Lead, Canada Mining and Daye Kaba, Dan Bornstein and Kate DaSilva of the Global Metals & Mining team discussed their perspectives and insights on strategic investments and joint ventures.

The next portion of the presentation was titled “Contested Situations and Regulatory Investigations”. McCarthy Tétrault’s John Boscariol, Chris Hubbard, Miranda Lam and Adam Taylor were joined by Alan Bayless from Longview Communications & Public Affairs to discuss regulatory investigations, shareholder class actions, short seller attacks, shareholder activism and takeover bids.

Finally, in conjunction with McCarthy Tétrault’s recent release of its annual “Mining in the Courts” review, Nicholas Hughes, Bryn Gray, Caroline-Ariane Bernier and Andrew Kalamut presented on new topics in mining litigation. Details of their topics can be found in our Mining in the Courts publication available here.

A video of this presentation can be viewed here.

mining litigation


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