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Legalweek 2020

MT>3 has returned from two days in New York at Legalweek. This year brought  great weather, many vendor presentations, and a surprisingly loud drumming band.  MT>3 had some fascinating meetings and we return energized from our discussions and hearing about the latest efforts to solve today’s legal problems using technology.
Some highlights to watch for in the coming year include:
1. Cross Matter Tools
Multiple companies are exploring new ways to help you leverage your existing knowledge for use in future cases. AI models are being developed to analyze results from past cases and applying those to similar cases that arise in the future. There are many potential applications for this technology, including:

  • Proactively monitoring high risk behavior in fraud and competition matters
  • Identifying PII and PHI to meet privacy requirements
  • Predictive coding/identification of privileged and junk records

 2. Dealing with the data explosion
Discovery has evolved rapidly beyond e-mails, PDFs, and Office documents. Companies now work with multiple chat platforms, CRM tools, IoT data, audio/video and new data sources that are developing each day. The legal tech world is coming up with solutions to help capture, process, and effectively work with this data in litigation.
3. Contract Management
Many startups have emerged to assist with contract management and review. These companies look to reduce costs and financial risk both pre- and post-closing by:

  • Automating tasks and workflows
  • Identifying problem areas in contracts and providing suggested revisions
  • Extracting key contractual commitments and deadlines

 All of this to say that we have much to share with our clients!  Please reach out for any details.


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