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Successfully establishing a business or expanding into one of Canada’s many thriving sectors requires deep industry expertise and an understanding of the unique federal and provincial regulatory landscape. For those entering the Canadian market for the first time or in a new industry, questions will inevitably arise: what are the key considerations when planning to establish or acquire a business in Canada? What are the potential opportunities, and where are the possible pitfalls?

Doing Business in Canada was developed by McCarthy Tétrault as a guide to the legal aspects of establishing or acquiring a business in Canada. Our guide provides a general overview of the latest Canadian laws and regulations and is designed to help businesses successfully enter the Canadian market. Starting with an overview of the Canadian political and legal systems, the guide proceeds through the areas of law most likely to affect your business decisions: foreign investment, international trade, corporate finance, mergers & acquisitions, competition, taxation, intellectual property, real property and others.

The discussion in each section covers general guidance for businesses and is not an exhaustive analysis of all provisions of relevant Canadian law. For this reason, we recommend that you seek the advice of one of our lawyers on the specific legal aspects of your proposed investment or activity. With offices in Canada’s major commercial centres, McCarthy Tétrault has the national presence and capabilities to help you successfully complete any business transaction in Canada.

Unless otherwise indicated, the information in this publication is current as of July 2023. 

For further information or any questions about this guide, please contact Matthew Cumming, Patrick Shea, Shea Small or Karl Tabbakh.


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Doing Business in Canada