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Ceci est une photo de Sue Danielisz




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Sue Danielisz is a paralegal in the Litigation Group in the Vancouver office. She assists clients with the preparation and filing of court documents at various levels of court, including the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Court of Appeal of British Columbia and the Supreme Court of Canada, with an emphasis on insolvency and restructuring matters.

Sue brings expertise in many areas of litigation including ensuring court materials are prepared and filed in accordance with the current rules of the various levels of court. She also has knowledge of the document discovery process, and has previously worked as a case manager using Ipro Eclipse e-discovery software.

Sue completed the Capilano College Paralegal Certification Program in 1996. She is a member of the B.C. Paralegal Association and attends various seminars and conferences on a regular basis to keep current on the practices and procedures of the British Columbia court system.